Often times I wonder why I like hanging out with very pretty girls, most of which are in a committed relationships... The obvious reason may seem that I am shallow, this is what I accepted as the truth for a while... I just realized, I like it because there is very little chance they will ever think of me as anything more than a friend. I feel like girls that are not as esthetically gifted are more inclined to think I'm actually interested in them even if they have a boyfriend. They then get clingy and want their friends to see them with me... as if I'm anything other than a normal guy. I start to feel trapped. not good. so I avoid them all together. Hot girls are often warped up in themselves or something else so they get less attached to me. They also seem to think that they can have what they want when they want it, so there is no real missed opportunity in not trying to "lock that down". So we get along!